We become what we think.

Thrive Courses


    We believe we’ve been all designed to be children of God. We teach Christian values that help us understand our unique calling, purpose, and identity.

    Example Courses:

    Introduction of The Gospel

    Identity in Christ

    Overcoming Fear

    Cultivating a Prayer Life


    Leadership is influence. Each of us has influence, and what we do with our influence dictates the culture and environment we set around us.

    Example Courses:

    Creating Healthy Habits

    Embracing Change

    Time Management

    Learning To Think Like A Leader


    Learning a life of independence is a life of learning how to manage finances. We believe in the saying, “We don’t work for money, but money works for us.”

    Example Courses:

    Learning to Budget

    Create Savings

    Learning to Foster a Wealth Mindset


    Healthy living is much more than physical. Our health course will challenge physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Small habits will reward you greatly.

    Example Courses:

    Powerless vs. Powerful Thinking

    Healthy Confrontation & Communication

    Physical Work-Outs at GYM

  • Powerful people are not affected or infected by their environment. They refuse to be victims of others.

    Danny Silk - Author, Pastor & Founder of Loving On Purpose

  • Leadership is influence. nothing more, nothing less.

    John Maxwell - Author, Speaker, Pastor and Leadership Consultant

  • Bad culture will always happen on accident. However, good culture will never happen on accident.

    Craig Groeschel - Pastor of Life.Church

  • Focus on your fear, and your panic will increase. Focus on your Shepherd, and your heart will be at peace.

    June Hunt - Founder of Hope For The Heart