Our Culture

We have often heard from friends, clients, shoppers, and businesses how much they love the atmosphere of Hope Station. We are proud that people can feel the love of God in our facility, and we attribute this to the culture we have intentionally created.

If you are not intentional in creating what you desire, you will end up creating something you did not want or asked for.
— Pablo Contreras

Culture is a crucial aspect of any organization. Without a clear outline of core values, an organization can suffer and produce an "accidental" culture. This means things can happen that are not in line with the organization's values, such as bad humor, a lack of self-awareness, or tardiness. When there is no model or standard to uphold the organization's values, the organization will suffer.

What you celebrate is what you cultivate. Therefore, we make it a point to highlight and showcase our "kingdom culture," which is different from worldly culture. Most secular work environments function with a performance-based work ethic, which is not necessarily a bad thing. However, at Hope Station, we look for people whose gifting or calling matches the desired work environment we need. We prioritize people whose values align with ours, and while performance is also crucial, it is secondary to our core values.

We ensure that people are coachable and flexible to learn our values before we hire them. If they have a great work ethic but lack the character that showcases our culture, we aim to make them leaders who model our value system. If someone has proud, discouraging, or sarcastic humor, gossips, or is unwilling to change, they may not fit in with our culture.

At Hope Station, we have adopted a mantra from Pastor Craig Groeschel, which states that bad culture happens by accident, but good culture never happens by accident. This statement has helped us become a more centered organization focused on fostering healthy and intentional culture and reproducing kingdom culture in the hearts of our leaders to be influential in their areas of influence.

In our next blog, we will share three points on how to reproduce the culture you desire in your workplace, business, family, and more.


We Plant & Water